Files Sync Tools - Introducing FreeFileSync

After using a few other file synchronization tools out there, i finally found one that does a good job at what i wanted it to do - which is to simply mirror & sync Source A to Destination B. Some of the ones that i've encountered in the past are either resource hungry, suffers from some kind of sync accuracy issue or just plain slow when dealing with huge number of files. Due to these problems i decided to stop using them and switch to the old fashion way of doing it - delete destination->copy Source->paste into destination. This method although time consuming is the best way to avoid missing out a file.

Luckily, i managed to come across FreeFileSync. After trying it out, i found that it does the job well and it is better then the rest of the others that i have used in the past. I have used Microsoft Sync Toy and it is not as good. If you regularly need to backup your files to another destination, you can use this program to help you out. Btw, it does not support FTP(2009-Apr-26). It will not matter if you don't need it.

Here are some screenshots....
Main dialog Screen(taken from the FreeFileSync Website)

Synchronization settings(taken from the FreeFileSync Website). This will be the typical Configuration setting for accurate mirroring of Source to Destination and this is what i normally use.

Compare folders (taken from the FreeFileSync Website)

Check it out yourself. You can download it from here.
