How to check for dirt and dust on a DSLR Sensor

Just thought that i repost this but this time its on my blob.

Here's the simple test you can do anywhere to check for dirt and dust on the DSLR sensor :

Materials required : Plain Blank White piece of paper (A4), Appropriate camera lens (Try to standby 2 lenses if you can, if not, 1 lens will do. The second lens is to verify the results of the first lens if "suspected" dust is identified).

1) Fix up the lens to the camera to be tested.
2) Switch lens focus mode to manual. Adjust focus to infinity.
3) Set the aperture to its smallest value (largest number), at least f22, f32 if you have it.
4) Take a shot of the white piece of paper. Try to fill the frame with the paper sheet so that all you get is a blank, white image. Make sure the shot is "bright" enough. Don't worry about camera shake as it will not matter.
5) Select "Playback" from the camera(or download the picture to a computer) and zoom(a least 4 -5x) into the picture. Scroll around the picture and look for black dots/hair lines or things that are black. I have come across contaminates on sensors that look like tyre skid marks. I suspect the damaged might be induced during DIY sensor cleaning.

Hope this tiny little info will be helpful to you guys shopping for a used DSLR. :)
