XiaoMi REDMI Note 2 Battery replacement.

Recently, I noticed that the LCD screen on my XiaoMi REDMI note 2 phone is starting to peel off from its frame.

I was wondering what could be wrong with the phone. What’s causing the LCD screen to peel off from the frame? Could it be that the adhesive is loosening up? So, I open up the back cover to perform some simple check. Suddenly, the battery flew out from its slot. The battery was so bloated, it is only held in place by the strength of the rear cover.

Looks like it’s time to get a replacement battery. I search around and settled for a OEM replacement battery (battery model BM42) on Aliexpress and ordered one. Have a look here if you need to get one for yourself.
After almost 4 weeks of waiting it finally showed up in my mail box.

Placing them side by side, you can see how badly the original battery has bloated.

The new battery fitted into the phone nicely and it is working fine. However, after a few rounds of capacity measurements, I found that the OEM battery capacity is around 2000mAh even thou it says 3100mAh on the battery. Oh well….At least the LCD is no longer peeling off from the frame.

Hope this helps someone out there.
