Skype for business no mic audio output in Windows Server 2019

Found this problem after migration to Windows Server 2019 from Windows Server 2016. Everything worked fine until I performed an OS upgrade to Windows Server 2019.

Tried to use Skype For Business for phone calls and I found that the other party is not able to hear me. After debugging and some troubleshooting, I managed to locate the cause of the issue.

In Windows Server 2019, apps(A.K.A Programs) microphone access have been disabled by default. To enable access to the microphone, just go to Settings->Privacy->Microphone


I toggled the “Allow apps to access your microphone” to “On” and the issue is solved.

Going into Skype’s audio setting (Tools->Audio Device Settings),

The mic’s VU meter is responding when I speak into the mic.

That’s it.

Hopefully this might be of some help to anyone out there.

